Support Groups

Support Groups provide a caring place where people with similar needs come together to learn and support one another.



Bereavement Support Group (Hospice Department 619-641-4100)

Bereavement Support Groups are free and open to all Kaiser Permanente members and the community. No appointment is necessary; simply show up at the location and time for the group you wish to attend. A Hospice staff social worker facilitates each of our ongoing groups and the specific structure of each group varies according to the facilitator.

Bereavement Support Groups (KP Hospice Department)

Bereavement Newsletter 1 (2-4 weeks after loss)

Bereavement Newsletter 2 (4 months after loss)

Bereavement Newsletter 3 (7 months after loss)

Bereavement Newsletter 4 (10 months after loss)

Bereavement Newsletter 5 (13 months after loss)

Cancer Support Groups

Support groups for cancer patients and family members. These groups are led by a social worker. There is no charge and it is open to all members and non-members.

All Cancer Support Groups

Caregiver Support Group

Groups provide a safe and caring place to share feelings and concerns along with options and solutions for common problems. These groups are for anyone providing care for an ill or disabled person of any age. Groups are led by a social worker and a nurse. There is no charge. All member and non-member caregivers welcome.

Caregiver Support Group Calendar

Caring Through Cancer - for caregivers of loves ones with advanced cancer



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